We run a number of “home groups” (or “fellowship groups”) around the parish in the afternoon and in the evening.  Some meet fortnightly, others monthly. The topics under discussion often differ from group to group although from time to time, all the groups use the same material.

The purpose of the groups is to provide a welcoming environment where Christians at all stages of their spiritual journey can discuss what the Bible says in particular passages or on particular topics and its relevance for living today.  The groups are small enough for members to feel comfortable sharing thoughts with one another. They enable friendships to develop and generate mutual support and encouragement.

What can you expect to find in a group?  There are three Fs.

Fellowship / Friendship

Fun – There can be a lot of laughter.

Food – Some groups share a meal together.  Generally there are refreshments, but most importantly, there is spiritual nourishment.

Group details

Tuesday 12.30pm (monthly) @ church
Leader: Faith Clarke

7.45pm Wednesday (monthly)
Leader:Ann Whitehead

8.00pm Wednesday evening (monthly) @ various homes
Leader: Rosie Shaw 07746 524354

8.00pm Wednesday evening (fortnightly) @ 11 Chudleigh Close Bramhall
Leaders: Michael Cheslett 0161 439 4508 & Susan Jones 01625 875066

8.00pm Wednesday evening (fortnightly) @ 18 Lancaster Close Hazel Grove
Leaders: Betty Gaskell 0161 483 4495 & Trevor Tinson 0161 292 2397

8.00pm Thursday evening (fortnightly) @ 25 Torkington Road Hazel Grove
Leader: Lynn Smith 01625 873304

8.00pm Friday evening (fortnightly)

If you’d like more information on this lovely way to develop faith and friendship, please ask one of the clergy or contact our Fellowship Group Coordinator Trevor Tinson on 0161 292 2397.