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When can I visit?

We have many event taking place throughout the week, but perhaps the best place to start is on Sunday. You are very welcome to join us at any of our Sunday gatherings. Make sure to grab a welcome card and fill one in so that we can get in touch with you after the service.

Also, do stay for tea and coffee served between 10.30 and 11.00.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever you feel comfortable in, we have no dress code!

What should I expect on a Sunday?

On a Sunday you will be greeted at the doors by one of our wonderful welcoming team. They will be able to point you in the right direction. Our worship is varied, see below, but we do not expect you to get involved more than you want. There will be singing, a bible reading and a talk.

Our 11.00 services often include ‘communion’ - where people are invited to share bread and wine and wonder if God is in the house. You don’t need special qualifications to participate. It’s for everyone without exception. If you’d prefer not to participate that’s fine too!

What’s worship like?

As a church we’ve borrowed or inherited or invented many approaches to worship – and they often turn up in the same service. We love the ancient, the modern and the post-modern. You might find some C17th liturgy next to a South African chant. Or a previously redundant hymn next to a music video. We are Church of England in the 21st Century and, like you, we have no idea what it means.

What if I have doubts or don’t know what I believe?

Just come along; Norbury Church isn’t made up of people who have all the answers! That’s why we meet Sunday by Sunday to explore Christianity together as a church. If you do have lots of questions about the Christian faith we recommend trying our next Alpha Course, which is a great place to explore faith further.

Is there parking?

Yes! Our church car park has ample parking and if we are full you can always try Hazel Grove Park & Ride which is only a few minutes walk away.

Do you have disabled access?

As a church we promote the inclusion of all people in our worship. Our church has disabled parking, a ramp system and loop system, but we attempt to go further than that in our welcome. If you have any concern or would like to speak with our Vicar about anything just give him a call.

What activities do you have for kids/youth?

We usually run a number of children’s and youth activities on a Sunday ranging right from 0 - 17. Please visit our children’s and youth page to find out more. If you have any questions make sure to chat with our children’s worker Cath.

If you have younger children do come along to our 9.30 service where worship is more relaxed and children take an important role in the service.

Will I have to give money?

No. We do not have a “traditional” collection during the service. If you would like to give there is a box at the entrance where you can leave a cash donations, but this is for the benefit of our regular church goers. Please feel under no obligation to give.

We also have the facility to take card payment donations via our Sum Up machine.

How can I receive prayer? Can someone pray for me?

During “normal” times we have a regular healing service once a month where you can come and receive prayers for healing. Currently however if you would like to receive prayer, or be placed on our prayer list, please email our administrator for more information.

Can I hire the building?

Yes. If you’d like to find out more please email our administrator for more information.

Where can I get more information?

Our website is always a good place to start. Alternatively if you come on a Sunday our welcome team, or stewards, will be the first people you will see - they’ll help you to find a seat, help explain our children’s groups, and give you and printed resources you may need. If you’re still stuck, why not drop us an email on