Blessing Our Community

At Norbury Church we want to meet people where they are and show them the love of God.

An honest Community

We at Norbury Church want to be an “inclusive” community. Inclusion can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people, and this is a work in progress.

If you would like to join us but have any fears about accessibility or inclusion please do get in touch.

Norbury Toddler Group(s)

Norbury Church hosts two toddler groups during term times. These meet between 10.00 and 11.30 on a Wednesday and Thursday.

These are spaces where children can enjoy role-play, toys, and crafts, as well as snacks, music, and prayer. It is a place of hospitality and welcome where carers can also find community and fellowship.

Do get in touch with our children’s worker for more details.

Place of Welcome

Join us on Monday mornings from 10.00 till 12.00 for a hot drink, toast, and a chat.

Places of Welcome are local spaces where everyone can go for a friendly face, a cup of tea and a conversation if and when they need it.

We operate around these 5 values:


We’re open at the same time every week and aim to be accessible and hospitable.


Everyone is welcome, regardless of who you are or what your situation is.


This is a place where we can be present for one another, and actively listen to each other.


We have free refreshments and provide local information.


What are your talents? Whether it’s playing chess, knitting, excellent Rumikub skills, or making the perfect brew, we would love to share something of your experience and your skills.

Who Let the Dads Out

Norbury Church hosts a monthly Who Let the Dads Out. We are a group for dads / male carers and their children, suitable for children from birth to 11 years old, but older are welcome to come along as well!

We meet on the second Saturday of the month between 10.00 - 12.00.

To entertain you all we have a baby corner, various children's toys for all ages, games, crafts, and activities.

There are bacon butties and toast plus drinks.

We do not charge for this event.