Mothers Union
Norbury Mothers’ Union Afternoon Group meets on the second Monday of the month at 1.30 in the Legh Room.
Meetings begin with a short service followed by a speaker and ending with tea and biscuits. The groups organise fundraising efforts to support Mothers’ Union charities and we also give to Norbury. If you would like to come along and join us at any of our meetings you would be very welcome – we are very friendly groups. By joining the Mothers’ Union you can help us in our aims of supporting marriage and family life.
The Mothers’ Union is involved in a number of activities both in the life of Norbury Parish and much further afield. Members are involved in Messy Church, take services at Shepley House Residential Home and regularly visit Edwards Court flats for the elderly. Members also knit to raise funds for the premature babies’ unit at Macclesfield Hospital and, along with Mothers’ Union members from many other branches, are involved in supporting and fundraising for many health and education projects both at home and overseas.
The Mothers Union exists in 83 countries worldwide and has four million members, and our aim is to bring about a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships.